The Random Ramblings

lost? dazed? confused? dont come here then as this aint goona help!!

Film 19 22 Jump Street. Read this its for your own good :)

Well we are catching up fast. It's amazing how easy that can be when you give up doing the house fixing thing and become completely the opposite of what I have been for months and just basically do nothing. Its been nice, with all the pressure from work and coming home to more stress.

more ... Published at: Fri 04 July 2014

Film 14 Total Recall (2012)

And finally we make it, something that has broken the run of crap of late. SO much so that this is the first of three films seen over the past two days that I am writing (or have to) write about.

more ... Published at: Sat 21 June 2014

Film 13 Elysium

The Earth in the future, where the rich and able are living in a space station called Elysium. Machines that scan them to prove that they are a citizen and then fix all their ailments with a simple sweep of the body.

more ... Published at: Sun 15 June 2014

I think I'm getting old

As you might have seen there has been a flurry of posts just recently, all because I hadn't blogged in the films that I have been watching in trying for the film a week. There has been a reason, as always, and it was because I was busy. More on why I was busy later but, look at my past efforts. Many a time I have promised to do something a week/month or a certain amount a year and have I managed it, have I hell, I've just carried on with life. Yet here I am, one of the least creative, useful or even worthwhile of all the things that I have tasked myself with doing and yet I am trying my best to keep up with it. Strike 1!!

more ... Published at: Sun 15 June 2014

Film 12 X-men: Days of future past

Two things.

more ... Published at: Fri 06 June 2014

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